B. Riley Financial to increase ownership in Bebe
B. Riley Financial, Inc. announced on Monday a significant expansion of its ownership in Bebe Stores, Inc. with an agreement to purchase 3.7 million shares of common stock from trusts formed by Bebe founder, Manny Mashouf.

The purchase price for the transaction is set at $5.00 per share, totaling $18.5 million, and is expected to be finalized by the end of the month. The transaction is set to bring B. Riley’s ownership stake in Bebe to approximately 76% of the outstanding common stock.
Meanwhile, Mashouf, who plans to step down from his roles at Bebe in the near future, will retain ownership of approximately 4% of the company’s outstanding shares of common stock. Mashouf has served as chairman and CEO of Bebe for over 45 years.

“Manny is a fashion innovator and the vision behind Bebe during his 45-plus year tenure as Chairman and CEO. We greatly appreciate his continued leadership since our involvement with the company in 2018,” said Bryant Riley, chairman and co-CEO of B. Riley Financial.
“This is an opportune time to increase our investment in Bebe, and we expect that our expanded involvement in Bebe’s operations will add value based on our extensive experience in brand licensing and deep understanding of the rent-to-own industry. We expect this transaction to be accretive to B. Riley’s EBITDA.”
Bebe was B. Riley’s initial brand licensing investment, which paved the way for the expansion of its brand portfolio, which now includes equity interests in HurleyCatherine MalandrinoNanette Lepore
“Having founded Bebe more than 45 years ago, it has been a continuous and integral fabric of my life ever since. There inevitably comes a time to step away, and I intend to step down from my roles at Bebe in the near future,” said Mashouf.
”It has been an extraordinarily memorable and rewarding journey creating Bebe into an iconic brand that has embodied the fashion-forward woman with the confidence to be her best self. I am beyond grateful to the many individuals who have contributed to making my vision a reality throughout the years, including the B. Riley team.”